Kickstart Home Fitness Workout – Week 2
Week 2
Jump into Week 2 of our 4-week workout guide. This home workout will help you stay fit and healthy when you’re stuck working out at home.
Day 1: Legs
Exercise 1: Squat Pulse
- At the bottom of the squat pulse at the bottom, 3 times then come back up
- Start with your feet at shoulder width
- Go down into a squat
- Once you are at the bottom of the movement come back up a quarter of the way and then come back down again. Repeat this part of the exercise 3 times.
- Reps: 8-15
- Equipment: Add a Bodyworx resistance band or hold a kettlebell or both!
Exercise 2: Walking Lunge
- Start standing with hands-on-hips.
- Place one leg forward then lower hips until both knees are about 90 degrees.
- Bring back leg forward so you are in a standing position.
- Repeat this movement on the other side as a walking movement.
- Reps: 8-15
- Equipment: Hold some dumbbells
Exercise 3: Fire Hydrants
- Start on your hands and knees
- While keeping your legs in the 90-degree position bring one leg out to your side
- Reps: 8-20
- Equipment: Add some ankle weights
Exercise 4: Rainbow Kicks
- In the same starting position as the fire hydrants. Straighten out one leg and bring it over to the opposite side and back.
- Reps: 8-20
- Equipment: Add some ankle weights
Exercise 5: Clam Shells
- Lie on your side, with legs stacked and knees bent at a 45-degree angle.
- Rest your head on your lower arm, and use your top arm to steady your frame.
- Keeping your feet touching, raise your upper knee as high as you can without shifting your hips or pelvis. Don’t move your lower leg off the floor.
- Pause, and then return your upper leg to the starting position on the ground.
- Reps: 8-20
- Equipment: Add ankle weight, bodyworx resistance band or both!
Day 2: Core
- Exercise 1: Scissor Kicks
- Start lying on your back
- Bring your legs slightly off the floor
- Bring one leg up slightly higher than the other and repeat with the other leg
- Reps: 20-45 seconds
- Equipment: Add ankle weights, bodyworx resistance band around your ankles or a small dumbbell in between your feet
Exercise 2: Leg Raises
- Start lying on your back
- Bring both your legs up until they are over your hips
- Lower your legs back down but do not touch the floor
- Bring legs back up and repeat.
- Reps: 8-20
- Equipment: Add ankle weights or small dumbbell between your feet
Exercise 3: Russian Twists
- Sit with bent knees and your feet pressing firmly into the floor
- Sit back slightly, keeping your spine straight.
- twist to the left, punching your right arm over to the left side and then do the opposite side
- Reps: 8-20
- Equipment: Hold a medicine ball and move side to side
Exercise 4: Plank
- Start in a plank position either on your hands or elbows.
- Hold for as long as you can!
- Reps: 20-60 seconds
Exercise 5: Legs Raised Crunch
- Start lying on your back with your knees bent above your hips.
- Have your hands behind your ears
- Bring your chest towards your legs and then lay back down, while keeping legs elevated
- Reps: 8-20
- Equipment: Can add ankle weights
Day 3: Upper Body
Exercise 1: Push-ups
- Start in a plank position but in a wide arm stance. Your elbows should be out to the side in line with your shoulder.
- Bring your chest down to the ground then bring back up to the starting position.
- Reps: 8-15
- Equipment: Add push-up bar handles
Exercise 2: Reachers
- Start lying on your stomach
- Place your arms out in front of you to make a ‘Y’ shape
- Bring your arms and chest up hold for a second or two then come back down
- Reps: 8-15
Exercise 3: Bicep Dips
- Start on your hands and knees but have your stomach facing the ceiling
- Twist your hands so your fingers are pointing towards your feet
- Bend your elbows to lower yourself down then bring yourself back up
- Reps: 8-15
Exercise 4: Supermans
- Start by lying flat on your stomach
- When ready, raise your chest up while keeping the rest of your body on the ground.
- Hold for 3 seconds then bring your chest back down and repeat.
- Reps: 8-15
Exercise 5: One arm plank reach
- Start in a plank position
- Reach out one arm in front of you and bring it back
- Repeat with the opposite arm
- Reps: 8-20
Day 4: Rest Day!
- Use this time to stretch what is sore!
Day 5: Cardio
Exercise 1: Burpees
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides.
- Bend your knees, and lower your body into a squat.
- Place your hands on the floor directly in front of, your feet.
- Jump your feet back to softly land on the balls of your feet in a plank position. Your body should form a straight line from your head to heels.
- Jump your feet back so that they land just outside of your hands.
- Reach your arms overhead and jump up into the air.
- Land and immediately lower back into a squat
- Reps: 8-15
Exercise 2: Squat to Punch
- Start with your feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart
- Lower down into a squat
- When you come up use your right arm to punch to the left side and the same with the other side.
- Reps: 8-15
- Equipment: Add a bodyworx resistance band to your thighs and some wrist weights
Exercise 3: Plank Jacks
- Start in a plank position
- Jump both your feet out to the side and bring them back in
- Reps: 20-40 seconds
Exercise 4: Scissor jumps
- Start off in a lunge position with one foot forward and one knee bent behind you,
- Quickly extend through both of your legs, jumping up as high as possible even swinging your arms to gain more height.
- While in the air, switch the positioning of your legs so that your front foot is back and your back foot is upfront.
- While you are jumping have your arms extended out in front of you.
- One arm should come up towards your head while the other is moving towards your legs. Making a scissor motion.
- Reps: 20-45 seconds
Exercise 5: Speed skaters
- With your knees bent and your back leaning forward, leap on alternating feet from side to side.
- Swing your back foot behind the standing leg, but try not to let your toes touch the floor.
- Reps: 20-45 seconds
- Equipment: Add some ankle weights
Day 6: Full Body
Exercise 1: Mountain Climbers
- Start in a plank position on your hands.
- Bring your knee towards the opposite hand
- Repeat on the other side.
- Try to go back and forth at a pace that is comfortable for you.
- Reps: 20-45 seconds
- Equipment: Add some ankle weights
Exercise 2: Wall sit with arm press-up
- Stand against a wall with your feet about one step away from the wall.
- Squat down into a squat position with your back still against the wall.
- It should look like you are sitting in a chair. Your back is straight with your knees at 90 degrees
- Put your arms against the wall with your elbows next to your shoulders and hands by your head
- Push your arms up to straighten them, then bring them back down to the starting position. Repeat whilst performing the wall sit.
- Reps: 8-15
- Equipment: Hold some dumbbells
Exercise 3: Squat Knee-Up
- Lower yourself down into a squat
- On your way up from the squat bring your knee up and out to the side
- Repeat on other side
- Reps: 8-15
- Add ankle weights
Exercise 4: Y raises
- Start with your feet shoulder width apart
- Bend yourself over until your back is at about 45 degrees.
- Keep your back straight and head down
- Make a ‘Y’ with your arms and bring them in line with your head
- Lower your arms back down and repeat.
- Reps: 8-20
- Equipment: Hold dumbbells or use adjustable resistance band set
Exercise 5: Floor Tricep Dips
- Start on your hands and knees but have your stomach facing the ceiling.
- Bend your elbows to lower yourself down
- Bring yourself back up and repeat
- Reps: 8-15
Day 7: Rest day!