Kickstart Home Fitness Workout – Week 4
You can do these workouts from home in your living room or when travelling for work or holidays.
Our 4-week home workout plan is a great way to get your fitness back on track without the gym.
Week 4
Day 1: Legs
Exercise 1: lateral lunge to forward lunge
- put your right foot out wide into a lateral lunge while your left leg is straight
- Come back to your starting position and lunge forward
- Repeat on other side
- Reps 8-15 each side
- Equipment: Add ankle weights
Exercise 2: squat with side kick
- Do a normal squat and as you come up kick out to the side
- Repeat on other side
- Reps: 10-20
Exercise 3: Glute Bridge step out
- Start in a glute bridge
- Step out one leg to straighten it and repeat on the other leg
- Step back into starting position
- Reps: 10-20
- Equipment: Place an XR slide under each foot
Exercise 4: Glute kickback pulse
- Standing up straight and using a chair for balance (if desired) kick one leg out behind you
- Pulse this leg behind you 5-10 times to keep glutes engaged
- Come back to starting position and repeat
- Reps: 10-15
- Equipment: Add ankle weights and/or bodyworx resistance bands
Exercise 5: Sidekick pulse
- The same as the glute kickback pulse but kicking out to the side instead.
- Reps: 10-15
- Equipment: Add ankle weights and/or bodyworx resistance bands
Exercise 6: Monster walk
- Get low into a squat position
- Walk forward while staying in this squat position
- Reps: 30-60 seconds
- Equipment: Add ankle weights and/or bodyworx resistance bands
Complete all exercises in order for a total of 4 rounds
Day 2: Core
Exercise 1: Toe touches
- Start lying down on your back with knees bent
- Reach side to side to touch the same side foot
- Go back and fourth
- Reps: 15-30
Exercise 2: Side reaches
- Start lying flat on your back
- Bring legs up above your hips
- Reach arms to one side of your legs then the other, similar to a crunch
- Go back and forth between the sides
- Reps: 10-30
- Equipment: Add wrist weights
Exercise 3: Declining Russian twist
- Start by doing a normal Russian twist
- As you are moving back and forth bring your back down closer to the floor then slowly back up while still moving side to side
- Reps: 20-30
- Equipment: Hold a medicine ball
Exercise 4: leg raise with hip thrust
- Start by lying on your back and bringing your legs up as if to do a leg raise
- When your legs are at the top of the movement thrust your hips up to raise your bum off the floor and your legs higher
- Bring hips and legs down and repeat
- Reps: 8-15
Exercise 5: Plank
- Do a plank either on your hands or forearms
- Reps: 30-60 seconds
Exercise 6: Bent leg v-up
- Start lying on back with legs in the air and bent at 90-degrees and hands clasped over the chest.
- Straighten legs and lift chest up, extending arms and trying to touch toes with hands. Lower back down to start.
- Reps: 10-20
- Equipment: Add ankle weights or place a small dumbbell between your feet
Complete all exercises in order for a total of 4 rounds
Day 3: Upper body
Exercise 1: Wide regular together
- Start in a push-up position with your hands out wide
- Complete your push-up then bring your hands into a normal stance, complete your push-up
- Then bring your hands together so they are touching and perform your push-up
- Continue in that pattern, wide, regular, together, all 3 push-ups count as one rep
- Reps: 3-5
- Equipment: Hold a dumbbell in each hand or use an adjustable resistance tube set
Exercise 2: Punches
- Exactly like the name, punch out in front of you alternating hands. Go as fast as you can!
- Reps:30-60 seconds
- Equipment: Add dumbbells or wrist weights
Exercise 3: Reverse fly
- Hinge forward at the waist until your torso forms a 45-degree angle with the ground, palms facing each other. Have a slight bend in your elbows.
- Lift your arms up and out, squeezing your shoulder blades at the top.
- Slowly return to the starting position
- Reps: 8-15
- Equipment: Hold dumbbells or use an adjustable resistance tube set
Exercise 4: Pike push-up
- Start pushup position
- Now lift up your hips so that your body forms an upside-down V. Your legs and arms should stay as straight as possible.
- Bend your elbows and lower your upper body until the top of your head nearly touches the floor.
- Then push yourself back up until your arms are straight.
- Reps: 8-15
- Equipment: Add push-up bars
Exercise 5: Supine push-up
- Lay down with your back flat
- Feet flat on the floor and your knees pointed up towards the ceiling
- Arms are out to your side in line with shoulder height
- Push up on your elbows and raise your back up off the floor
- Lower back down
- Reps: 8-15
Exercise 6: Overhead punches
- The same as regular punches but punching above your head!
- Reps: 30-60 seconds
Complete all exercises in order for a total of 4 rounds
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Full body
Exercise 1: Standing alternating oblique crunches
- stand with your feet shoulders width apart
- hands behind your head elbows flared out to the sides simultaneously lift your left knee out to the side just above hip level and lower your left elbow towards your knee. return to starting position repeat on the other side.
- Reps: 8-20
- Equipment: Add wrist or ankle weights or both!
Exercise 2: Touchdown squat to calf raise
- Squat down and have your hand touch the opposite foot
- As you come back to a standing position go up onto your toes to raise your heels off the ground
- Reps: 10-20
- Equipment: Place a Bodyworx resistance band around your thighs or you can add wrist weights
Exercise 3: Bear crawls
- Begin on all fours and lift your knees so they’re at a 90-degree angle and about an inch off the ground. Have your back flat, your legs hip-width apart and your arms shoulder-width apart.
- Move one hand and the opposite foot forward an equal distance while staying low to the ground.
- Switch sides, moving the opposite hand and foot.
- Repeat the movement while alternating sides.
- Reps: 10-20
- Equipment: Add ankle weights or bodyworx resistance band around your arms or thighs
Exercise 4: Plank jack
- Start in a plank position
- Jump your feet out slightly wider than hip distance apart. Then jump them back together and repeat
- Reps: 10-20
Exercise 5: High plank with front arm raises
- Begin in a plank position with your weight resting on your hands.
- raise one arm out straight in front of you. Pause, then lower it back to the starting position.
- Reps: 10-20
- Equipment: Add wrist weights
Exercise 6: Side shuffle with side punch
- Get low into a wide squat position
- Shuffle three times to the right then punch to the side once with your right and once with your left
- Shuffle to the left side and repeat
- Reps: 30-60 seconds
- Equipment: Place a bodyworx resistance band around your thighs and add wrist weights
Complete all exercises in order for a total of 4 rounds
Day 6: Cardio
Exercise 1: Predator jack
- Stand straight with your legs together and arms at your sides
- Squat and simultaneously open up your arms so that the wrist is in-line with your shoulder. Then get back to the starting position
- Reps: 30-60 seconds
Exercise 2: Single leg knee-drive
- Lunge position with right leg in front.
- Blast off right leg, bringing left knee up in a jump.
- Repeat reps on left leg then switch to the right
- Reps: 8-15
- Equipment: Add ankle weights
Exercise 3: Mummy kicks
- Begin standing with your arms extended straight out in front.
- While performing hop kicks simultaneously criss-cross your hands
- Reps: 30-60 seconds
- Equipment: Add ankle weights or bodyworx resistance band around thigh
Exercise 4: Squat kick toe touch
- Start by dropping into a squat
- As you come up from your squat kick your leg out and touch your toes with the opposite hand
- Repeat on other side
- Reps: 8-20
- Equipment: Add ankle weights and a bodyworx resistance band around thigh
Exercise 5: 90 degree jump squats
- Perform a normal jump squat
- For the second jump, rotate to the right 90 degree for your jump squat then rotate again to your starting position
- Reps: 8-15
- Equipment: Hold a medicine ball
Exercise 6: Half burpee
- Start in push-up position and hop your feet to the outsides of your hands
- Jump into the air, bringing hands up overhead.
- Return hands to the ground and hop feet back into push up position
- Reps: 8-15
- Equipment: Use an aerobic step
Complete all exercises in order for a total of 4 rounds
Day 7: rest